Hui, minne nämä viime 2 kuukautta oikein vierähti? Siis nyt on jo helmikuu. MITEN? Taas kerran paljon on ehtinyt tapahtua. Mä en ole jotenkin ehtiny järjestää aikaa blogille, mutta aattelin tulla tästä vähän isommasta uutisesta kertomaan..
Asun siis Tampereella ja mun kämppää vuokraa TOAS eli Tampereen opiskelija-asuntosäätiö. Joskus viime vuoden syksyllä TOASin kuukausittaisessa uutiskirjeessä oli ilmotus, että TOAS etsii videobloggaajaa. Mä olen tehnyt jo parisen vuotta kaikenlaisia videoita, mutten ikinä ole aatellut julkasevani mitään. Lyhyen mietinnän jälkeen päätin, että yksin asuvalle opiskelijalle pieni lisätienesti ei ole haitaksi. Varsinkin kun sen saa hankittua mieluisella tavalla! Lähetin sitten näytevideon TOASille ja yhtäkkiä olinkin jo kokoushuoneessa kahvikupposen ääressä juttelemassa tästä hommasta.
Ensimmäinen video tuli julki tammikuun lopulla. Se ei vielä hirveesti liity asumiseen, vaan on enemmänkin sellanen esittelyvideo. Mun videot löytää siis TOASin YouTube kanavalta, sekä tämän ekan, "My day" -tyyppisen tutustumisvideon tästä:
Vaikka vloggaus vähän niinkuin syrjäyttikin bloggauksen tässä ensimmäisinä kuukausina, niin haluan silti yrittää pysyä täällä bloginkin puolella aktiivisena. Pitää vaan muistaa yrittää tehdä aikaa tälle, vaikka onkin kaikenlaista muuta. Eli vastaus postauksen otsikolle: molemmat, bloggaaja ja vloggaaja.
A blogger or a vlogger
Woah, where did the past 2 months go? It's already February. HOW? Once again a lot has happened. I haven't taken any time for my blog, but I thought I'd come to tell you some big news..
I live in Tampere, as you know, and my landlord is TOAS, Tampere Student Housing Foundation. Last fall, there was a job ad for a vlogger in TOAS' monthly newsletter. I've been doing all kinds of videos for a couple of years, but I've never thought that I'd publish anything. After a short consideration, I decided that as a student living on my own, it wouldn't hurt to earn a bit money. Especially when you can earn it by doing something fun! So I sent an audition video to TOAS and suddenly I was in a conference room having a cup of coffee and talking about the job.
The first video came out at the end of January. It doesn't have a lot to do with living in this flat. It's more like a get-to-know-me video. You can find my videos from TOAS' YouTube channel and the first one I linked in this post.
Even though vlogging kinda dethroned blogging during these first months, I still want to try to stay active over here too. I just have to remember to make time for this, even if I had a lot of things to do. So the answer to this posts' caption: both, a blogger and a vlogger.
A blogger or a vlogger
Woah, where did the past 2 months go? It's already February. HOW? Once again a lot has happened. I haven't taken any time for my blog, but I thought I'd come to tell you some big news..
I live in Tampere, as you know, and my landlord is TOAS, Tampere Student Housing Foundation. Last fall, there was a job ad for a vlogger in TOAS' monthly newsletter. I've been doing all kinds of videos for a couple of years, but I've never thought that I'd publish anything. After a short consideration, I decided that as a student living on my own, it wouldn't hurt to earn a bit money. Especially when you can earn it by doing something fun! So I sent an audition video to TOAS and suddenly I was in a conference room having a cup of coffee and talking about the job.
The first video came out at the end of January. It doesn't have a lot to do with living in this flat. It's more like a get-to-know-me video. You can find my videos from TOAS' YouTube channel and the first one I linked in this post.
Even though vlogging kinda dethroned blogging during these first months, I still want to try to stay active over here too. I just have to remember to make time for this, even if I had a lot of things to do. So the answer to this posts' caption: both, a blogger and a vlogger.
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