Appejä löytyy jokaseen eri tarkotukseen montaa erilaista. Niitä tulee koko ajan lisää ja vaikka perus Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp, Youtube, Twitter... vie jo aika paljon mun aikaa, niin oon silti kiinnostunut löytämään uusia mahtavia appejä. Toivottavasti muutkin on, koska tässä mun 10 suosikkia.
Nikon WMU - Tää on tosi kätevä sovellus kameran omistajalle. Sen avulla siirrän wifin kautta kuvia suoraan kamerasta kännykkään. En tiiä miten jaksaisin ilman tätä siirtää kuvia kännykkään, kun se pitäis tehdä tietokoneen kautta. Nikon WMU sovelluksessa on myös kaukolaukaisin, jossa kännykän näyttöön tulee esikatselukuva.
Pivo - Ei ehkä mikään hauskin app, mutta tosi kätevä. Pivo on siis pankki/luottokortti sovellus, josta voi seurata omaa rahan käyttöä, näkee mihin rahaa on käyttänyt, paljonko rahaa on tilillä.. Mulla tulee aina ilmotus kun käytän korttia, joka on kätevää jotta näkee että oikee summa on menny ja jos vaikka joku varastais kortin niin huomais kun sitä käytettäis. Siellä voi myös kirjautua kanta-asiakasetuihin esim. Cityshoppariin, josta saa paljon erilaisia alennuksia moniin kauppoihin.
Spotify - En tiiä mitä tein sillon elämälläni kun mun kännykässä ei ollu Spotifyta. Kuuntelen sieltä basically joka päivä musiikkia.
UE BOOM - Spotifysta päästänkin aasinsillalla tähän app:iin. Tämä on siis UE BOOM-kaiuttimien sovellus. Sen ja bluetoothin kautta voi kuunnella musiikkia kaiuttimesta suoraan kännykällä. Niin kätevä ja hyödyllinen!
Duolingo - App, jossa voi opetella monia eri kieliä ilman että se tuntuu opiskelulta. Itse oon opetellut ranskaa - Je mange une pomme rouge. Kesän jälkeen aloitan ranskan kursseilla käymisen, joten sovelluksen avulla oon saanut hyvän pohjan opiskelulle.
Bloglovin - Tosi kätevä sovellus blogien lukijoille ja bloggajille. Bloglovinista enemmän täällä.
ResQ - Mahtava app, uusi suosikkini! ResQ:ssa ravintolat ja kahvilat myyvät ylijääneitä annoksia halpaan hintaan. Ei tarvitse kun valita ruoka ja painaa osta, saa hyvää ruokaa ja samalla pelastaa maailmaa tekemällä ympäristöteon. Itse olen valitettavasti vasta kerran saanut tätä käytettyä, koska kotikaupungissani ei ole ResQ ravintoloita. Ostin sillon siis 3 herkullista vegaanista omena-kaneli pullaa parilla eurolla Helsingistä kotimatkalle evääksi.
Yogaia - Rakastan joogaa ja käynkin välillä salilla joogatunnilla. Tunteja on kuitenkin vaan pari viikossa, joten aina sinne ei kerkeä. Silloin on kiva ottaa Yogaia esiin, jonka ilmaisversiosta löytyy vähän joogatunteja suomeksi ja englanniksi (sekä saksaksi). Mulla on ollu tää app jo vuosia ja erityisesti sillon se on kovassa käytössä, kun välillä tulee koodeja jolla saa kaikki tunnit ilmaiseksi.
Charades! - Tää ei ole kauhean tarpeellinen sovellus, jossei tylsiä hetkiä kavereiden kanssa lasketa. Charades on arvuuttelupeli (vähän niinkun alias), jossa on paljon eri kategorioita. Niistä valitaan joku jonka jälkeen yks pelaaja laittaa kännykän otsalleen johon selitettävät, laulettavat tai esitettävät sanat sitten ilmestyy. Oon nauranu mahani kipeeksi monta kertaa tän sovelluksen takia.
My 10 Favourite Apps
There are many different apps for everything. New apps are coming everyday and even though the usual aka Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, Youtube, Twitter.. take a lot of my time, I'm still interested in discovering new great apps. Here are 10 of my favourites.
Nikon WMU - This is a really useful app for a camera owner. With this app you can transfer photos from your camera straight to your phone via wifi. I don't know how I'd bother transferring photos to my phone without this app, because then I had to do it through a computer. You can also take pictures remotely with Nikon WMU by seeing the preview in your phone.
Pivo - Not the most exciting app, but very handy. Pivo is a debit/credit card app (only for Finnish banks) where you can keep track of your spending, you can see what you've used your money on, how much money you have.. I always get a notification when I use my card, which is great because then
I can see that they took the right price and if someone stole my card I'd notice when it was used. You can also join loyalty programs such as Cityshoppari, where you get discounts to many different stores.
Spotify - I don't know what I did with my life before I had Spotify in my phone. I listen to music from there basically every day.
UE BOOM - From Spotify I can smoothly go into this app. It's an app for UE BOOM speakers. With the app and a bluetooth connection you can listen to music on the speaker straight from your phone. So practical and useful!
Duolingo - An app where you can learn many different languages without it feeling like studying. I've been learning French - Je mange une pomme rouge. After the summer I'm gonna start taking French lessons so with this app I've gotten a good base for my studies.
Notes - Okei, tiiän että tämä tai joku tän kaltanen sovellus löytyy jokasesta kännykästä jo valmiiksi. Halusin silti sisällyttää tän mun lempi appien joukkoon, koska monet ei varmaan ees ymmärrä kuinka kätevä se on. Niinkuin faktapostauksessa kerroinkin, niin käytän Notes eli muistio sovellusta pääasiassa listojen tekemiseen. Listat pitää asiat kätevästi ja selkeesti muistissa. Kirjotan tänne myös välillä jotain muitakin juttuja, niinkuin hauskoja tarinoita tai reseptejä.
My 10 Favourite Apps
There are many different apps for everything. New apps are coming everyday and even though the usual aka Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, Youtube, Twitter.. take a lot of my time, I'm still interested in discovering new great apps. Here are 10 of my favourites.
Nikon WMU - This is a really useful app for a camera owner. With this app you can transfer photos from your camera straight to your phone via wifi. I don't know how I'd bother transferring photos to my phone without this app, because then I had to do it through a computer. You can also take pictures remotely with Nikon WMU by seeing the preview in your phone.
Pivo - Not the most exciting app, but very handy. Pivo is a debit/credit card app (only for Finnish banks) where you can keep track of your spending, you can see what you've used your money on, how much money you have.. I always get a notification when I use my card, which is great because then
I can see that they took the right price and if someone stole my card I'd notice when it was used. You can also join loyalty programs such as Cityshoppari, where you get discounts to many different stores.
Spotify - I don't know what I did with my life before I had Spotify in my phone. I listen to music from there basically every day.
UE BOOM - From Spotify I can smoothly go into this app. It's an app for UE BOOM speakers. With the app and a bluetooth connection you can listen to music on the speaker straight from your phone. So practical and useful!
Duolingo - An app where you can learn many different languages without it feeling like studying. I've been learning French - Je mange une pomme rouge. After the summer I'm gonna start taking French lessons so with this app I've gotten a good base for my studies.
ResQ - An amazing app, my new favourite! Rescue food that would otherwise go to waste from restaurants and cafes with a cheap price. You just choose what to get and press buy, then you get delicious food and save the environment. I've unfortunately been able to use ResQ only once because my current home town doesn't have any ResQ restaurants (btw it currently operates only in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Germany and the Netherlands). That time I bought 3 delicious vegan apple cinnamon buns with only a few euros from Helsinki.
Yogaia - I love yoga and I sometimes take yoga classes at the gym. There're only a couple classes a week, so they don't always match my schedule. That's when I love to use Yogaia, which has a little amount of free yoga classes in Finnish, English and German. I've had this app for years, and I use it a lot especially when sometimes I get a promo code that makes all the classes free.
Charades! - This isn't really a useful app if you don't count the times when you and your friends are bored. Charades is a trivia game that has a lot of different categories. You choose one and then one of the players puts the phone on their forehead, where the words that the other players explain, sing or act come to. This game has made my stomach hurt from laughing.
Notes - Okay, I know that this app or an alternative is in every phone when you buy it. I still wanted to put this here, because many people don't probably understand how useful it is. Like I told you in my fact post, I use the Notes app mainly for making lists. Lists are good for keeping things and thoughts clear and useful. I also write some other stuff like funny stories and recipes there.
Yogaia - I love yoga and I sometimes take yoga classes at the gym. There're only a couple classes a week, so they don't always match my schedule. That's when I love to use Yogaia, which has a little amount of free yoga classes in Finnish, English and German. I've had this app for years, and I use it a lot especially when sometimes I get a promo code that makes all the classes free.
Charades! - This isn't really a useful app if you don't count the times when you and your friends are bored. Charades is a trivia game that has a lot of different categories. You choose one and then one of the players puts the phone on their forehead, where the words that the other players explain, sing or act come to. This game has made my stomach hurt from laughing.
Notes - Okay, I know that this app or an alternative is in every phone when you buy it. I still wanted to put this here, because many people don't probably understand how useful it is. Like I told you in my fact post, I use the Notes app mainly for making lists. Lists are good for keeping things and thoughts clear and useful. I also write some other stuff like funny stories and recipes there.
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